Journal 17 - “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” – T.S. Eliot (p.775)
1. What is the significance of the poem’s epigraph? How does it relate to Prufrock?
The epigraph is actually from the Inferno by an Italian poet named Dante Alighieri. The word “inferno” refers to hell. The epigraph refers to Prufrock because it shares his private feelings which is not something that he would do himself. They both show insight to who they really are.
2. Make a list of questions that Prufrock asks. Do you see a pattern/theme to these questions or are they random?
Do I dare?
Do I dare disturb the universe?
How should I presume?
How should I begin?
These seemingly random questions actually show the pattern of the authors indecisive and self conscious nature. He is unable to make normally easy decisions without first questioning each one.
3. What do you think is Prufrock’s main flaw/problem?
I think Prufrock’s main flaw is his own self doubt. He doubts and questions all of his decisions, even the minor ones. Prufrock is lacking self confidence as he regularly refers to himself as a Fool. I don’t think Prufrock would ordinarily be seen as a fool if he didn’t suggest it himself.
4. Why do you think this is called a love song? In what way is it a love song?
This being called a love song is a complete display of irony. It is actually about him being loney and sad, not in love. The only way this could be seen as a love song is if the reader looks as it as the absence of love.
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