Journal 8 - Emerson’s Aphorisms
Write a one paragraph personal response based on three of the following aphorisms. Your responses should address the point Emerson is making as well as your thoughts/feelings about what he is saying.
4. We boil at different degrees.
Emerson is using this aphorism to say that each person is different and more specifically that each person is different in what it takes to get someone upset. To me, I think this aphorism is accurate in saying each person has a different level of tolerance for certain things. Some people can get mad or upset at something that seems unimportant to someone else. Each person is different in their views, personality, and tolerance levels.
7. When Nature has work to be done, she creates a genius to do it.
The aphorism is saying that Nature and God work through people. I think this aphorism is saying that each person is on earth for a reason. We all have work to do. We were all sent by something greater for a specific purpose. This aphorism is meaningful in telling that no life should be wasted or taken for granted. We are each made a genius to make a difference and make changes in the world.
11. What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.
Emerson is using this aphorism to state that the challenges in life are not impossible. We have what it takes within us to make it through anything that comes to us in life. I think this aphorism is motivational in that it is a positive message of reassurance that no task or challenge is too great to be accomplished. God makes each one of us with more power within us to make it through the matters we face in life.
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